Health Passport


Superior’s Health Passport is a web-based, secure application built using core clinical and claims information to deliver relevant health-care information for STAR Health members, when and where it is needed.

Using Health Passport, providers can improve care coordination, eliminate waste and reduce errors by gaining a better understanding of a person’s medical history and health interactions.

Recognized Benefits

  • Improves care coordination by connecting authorized providers, state agencies and medical consenters with health information from various facilities.
  • Allows providers to monitor compliance with prescription regimens.
  • Reduces duplicate diagnostic tests.
  • Reduces risk of medication, allergy and chronic problems interactions.
  • Increases communication between the main stakeholders in the patients’ care plans.

Once securely accessed, the Health Passport presents the authorized user with information including:

  • Medication History – A summary of medications filled is accessible. This includes name of the prescription, the prescribing clinician, date filled and dosage. Indicators representing drug-drug, drug-allergy, and drug-food interactions appear when applicable as soon as new medications or allergies are added to the patient record.
  • Face Sheet – Access an easy-to-read summary that includes member demographics, care gaps, Texas Health Steps, Dental, Texas CANS 2.0-Assesment (last visit dates), active allergies, active medications and more.
  • Contacts  Find a patient’s PCP, Medical Consenter, Caregiver, Caseworker assigned, and Service Coordinator’s contact information in one place.
  • Assessments –  Upload and view documents including, but not limited to Texas Health Steps, Dental and Behavioral Health online. Documents that have submitted via fax or mail are also accessible online.  
  • Patient History – Past visits with details that include the description of service, treating provider, diagnosis, and the service date.
  • Growth Chart – View the weight, height, length, and head circumference that are available at the point of care to track growth of infants and children.
  • Lab Results – Access all patient lab results in one location.
  • Immunizations Access a comprehensive list of a patient’s immunizations collected from ImmTrac.
  • Allergies – View allergies that are available at the point-of-care. Once an allergy is charted, it is instantly checked for medication interactions.
  • ADT Notifications Module –  Admission Discharge and Transfer (ADT) data.
  • Appointments View appointments for patients.

*Note: The Health Passport is not an Electronic Medical Record. It will not contain ALL immunizations, visits, allergies, labs or medications, but rather only those that Superior is made aware of via claims and or state supplied data.

Contacts Module

The Contacts Module conveniently lists the foster child’s PCP, Medical Consenter(s), Caregiver, Caseworker Service Coordinator and Case Manager in one place. Keep in mind that a listed Caregiver is not always a Medical consenter. A contact must be listed as a Medical Consenter to make Medical decisions and there for may appear twice on this list, once as a Caregiver and once as a Medical consenter. Refer to the list to ensure the appropriate individual is contacted concerning member care.

    Additional Resources, Forms and Information

    Visit Health PassportExternal Link for additional information, or click on one of the links below for instant access to:

    Health Passport Support
