Effective April 20, 2025: Clinical Policies

Date: 01/17/25

Wellcare By Allwell has approved policies to ensure medical necessity review criteria is current and appropriate for members and the scope of services provided. As a result the following policies are effective on April 20, 2025, at 12:00AM.




Facility-based Sleep Studies for Obstructive Sleep Apnea


Wellcare By Allwell (Medicare)

Policy updates include:

  • Changed I.B.3 into two indications in I.B.3 and 4 for clarity
  • Updated wording in Criteria I.B.8.a.v. and added addition of disorders that interfere with HSAT
  • Removed “moderate to-to-high-risk” verbiage in Criteria I.B.8.b. and updated outline of criteria
  • Removed Epworth Sleepiness Scale criteria from I.B.8.b.i
  • Added Criteria I.B.8.b.ii.c) which states, “Diagnosis of hypertension”

Outpatient Oxygen Use


Wellcare By Allwell (Medicare)

Policy updates include:

  • Removed criteria I.C. The qualifying blood gas study or pulse oximetry measurement was performed by a physician or by a qualified provider or supplier of laboratory services
  • Added CPT E0447 to coding table


Short Inpatient Hospital Stay


Wellcare By Allwell (Medicare)

Policy retired


Stereotactic Radiation Therapy: Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)


Wellcare By Allwell (Medicare)

Policy updates include:

  • Added risk/benefit statement
    • Added criteria:
    • III.E.1-III.E.4. Extracranial oligometastatic disease, any of the following: One to three metastatic lesions involving the lungs, liver or bone; Primary tumor is breast, colorectal, melanoma, non-small cell lung, prostate, renal cell or sarcoma; Primary tumor is controlled; No prior history of metastatic disease
    • III.F. Acoustic neuroma
    • III.G. spinal tumors
  • Added CPT codes 61796, 61797, 61798, 61799, 61800, 63620, 63621, 77371, 77372, and 77432 to policy

Transplant Service Documentation Requirements


Wellcare By Allwell (Medicare)

Policy updates include:

  • Annual review
  • References reviewed and updated
  • Reviewed by external specialist

To review all policies, please visit Medicare Prior-Authorization Clinical PoliciesExternal Link webpage.

Prior to updates, the policies were approved for use by Medicare Quality Committee

For questions or additional information, please contact Wellcare By Allwell Provider Services at 1-877-391-5921